Drying Out

How ever many times His Lordship and I have walked past this metal sculpture above the Tollcross fire station on the way to the temple of toast, today is the first time we have actually stopped and looked at it closely. It tells a graphic tale of firemen in action and is very clever in its use of shapes and metals.

After 24 hours of rain yesterday, the like of which we have not seen in Edinburgh for a considerable time, we woke to sunshine and blue skies. There was a chill of 10 degrees in a fierce breeze as we set out this morning for Loudon's, but by the time HL had eaten his toast, generously throwing me a crust as he did so, and we started walking down to the city centre, I had to shed a scarf and cardigan as the sun warmed everything up.

It was a mistake to look into Waterstone's book shop. I find it so hard to resist leaving that shop without a book and today was no exception -'Hot Milk' by Deborah Levy snuck into my bag but kindly paid for by HL.

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