If the Kep Fits.......

If the kep fits, wear it! This beautiful fisherman's kep, ordered from Fair Isle arrived by post the other day and does indeed fit beautifully. I am so lucky and grateful to get it because the knitter's online ordering website was only open for three days in April before it was closed again for another year as the orders exceeded her knitting capacity. I know it will become a family heirloom to fit on others' heads when I no longer have the need for it.

Not that it was much use today in the constant heavy downpour that has assailed us from early morning and looks set to continue till evening. It is a long time since we had a whole day of heavy rain and already the pavements and roads are turning into small streams. I waded through them into town to do some food shopping and pick up an internet order, returning home with socks, trainers, and trousers soaked. His Lordship wisely kept his powder dry until we decided on a restorative visit to the nearest coffee shop.

As I write this and look out over a deserted Meadows to an indistinct Marchmont behind a curtain of stair rods of rain , I am thinking how grateful Snowy in New Zealand would be to have some of them for her Wanaka garden.

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