Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Nail Biting...

...ok, so he's not *actually* biting his nails but I think he's tempted!

And I suspect the whole country has some sympathy with him tonight. I'm certainly in a state of high anxiety about what will come to pass at the ballot box tomorrow.

I hope young people will turn out to vote in record numbers. I hope older people will recognise that the future of this country rests in the hands of the young and that we should be leaving them an inheritance to be proud of, and a chance to experience the opportunities that many of us have had...

I'll be voting for a properly funded, free, NHS. Properly funded, free, education. A properly funded police force. Human rights, dignity and respect for all. A cleaner, greener environment. Taxes proportionate to income - whether for individuals or corporations. Social care and welfare for all who need it. An end to zero hours contracts. Free school meals for primary school children. Public ownership of the railways. A ban on fracking. Free bus passes and winter fuel allowances for pensioners. Retention of the fox hunting ban. I could go on.

I hope that fear and self-interest will not win the day. I hope that inclusivity and kindness will.

Here's Grace Petrie with her great song, 'Farewell to Welfare' Some of the references are a few years out of date but the song remains as relevant as ever.

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