Silly cow

Not the one pictured but the dreadful, out of her depth Theresa May. Not my cup of tea AT ALL but we're probably stuck with her for a while yet until she stuffs up Brexit, due to her lack of people and political skills, as well as the country, having already divided us all as a nation and in many cases as families by calling another general election on top of the last one and the totally unnecessary referendum in between. I would love to be proved wrong on this occasion though...

Anyway, that's enough politics for now except to say that Sons 1 and 2 came down to the polling station with me this afternoon and we voted en masse, exercising our democratic right that I strongly feel should never be taken for granted despite the massive flaws in our democratic system. It was the first time the boys have voted in a general election and the eighth time for me.

The non-political cows were lazing around across the path this afternoon so I took evasive action and changed our route. It's all very well them sitting about chewing the cud but they are supposed to be there to get the vegetation under control - it's not going to clear itself!

Off out tonight for our annual work walk and pub meal, this year starting and ending at the Noah's Ark in Lurgashall, which will be a nice distraction from all the electoral stuff.

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