
I make no apologies that this photo was taken in the early hours of this morning and yet is my post for thursday!  I also apologise for the quality - somehow I had put the camera on auto  ISO and didn't discover until the end of the night.  I had wondered why I hadn't had to play with the other settings!
  I went from putting The Girls to bed in the evening after a day of house tidying, to The Angels to watch the results. I had no idea how long I would stay, and many left over the course of the night as they had work the next day, but it was just so gripping I stayed on! The rest of the group had been actively campaigning in Calstock and Plymouth in the lead up, and The Angel has a friend who is a PA to Corbyn, so we were all getting updates by mobile phone from various sources as well as watching it unfold on the BBC! We ate and drank compulsively till 5 am when a Hung Parliament seemed a certainty! We had all been prepared for the worst and hoped that Labour would make a good show but none of us expected such a close run. Beyond happy!
I gave Party Girl and Ebay Man a lift up the hill and went on up to the allotment to let The Girls out. They were quite nonplussed at the early opening and it took them awhile to come out and even then they were looking quite wary! I did a bit of weeding and then headed home for a couple of hours sleep on the kitchen sofa with Milkshake! I will relay the breakfast with Fizz tomorrow / today!!!! 

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