National Rail

We've woken to a confused new world. The woman who put the May in Mayhem took a cynical gamble and fell flat on her face - strong and stable now looking a lot like weak and unable.

There's little cheer in the spectacular mess this now leaves us in, most pundits are forecasting another election within a year - but as an unexpected Coalition of Chaos (oh the irony) is announced there were some causes for celebration:

The turnout was the largest for a generation - people are engaging with the process.

The 'youth' finally came to the party, more 18-24 years old voters have been reported than ever before. Finally realising they have to take their voice in decided what their future will be.

Against the pretty much entire force of a media run by a tax dodging elite a quiet decent man ran an honourable campaign - and people noticed, engaged with it and respected him for it. There's much I don't agree with JC about, but I have left this campaign with more respect for him than any other of our so called leaders.

The complete and utter demise of UKIP, proof that the lowest common denominator isn't who we are as a people.

The realisation that we are a divided nation - everyone's voice needs to be heard. 52% wasn't, isn't, and won't ever be, enough.

I think anyone hoping for an end to difficult times will find there's a lot more work to be done, but the tide turned a little bit last night - hopefully that's given a lot of people some much needed hope.

Philosophy Friday
For the Many, not the Few.

Whatever your belief system - that's gotta be worth striving for.

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