
... Bound.

After breakfast we all set off for our respective homes. Mr C and I decided to take the A4 rather than the motorway with plans to stop anywhere that takes our fancy. Quite unexpected, we came to Avebury and stopped to have a look around this world heritage site of stone circles. It is also National trust too.... bonus ;-)) lovely and sunny but very windy especially up on the chalk circle. We also came across a wedding..... a pagan one I think.

Picked up the M4 at Newbury but came off after 2 junctions as lots of signs up about closures at certain junctions. M3 also closed because of roadworks. So cross country it was. Passing past Rebecca's we stopped briefly to drop off a couple of things that mum had given for her.

Now home and I think Chinese for dinner. Mum rang when they arrived home to say they have no water due to a burst water main... and their weather was lousy!

Couple of extras. I have done a couple of backblips too...do take a look ;-))

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