Sad and Stupid Saturday

Not a Silly Saturday entry as is too sad , awful and typical  I call it STUPID .The me me society is with us more and more. Out to see the geese .Checked the damaged eye of one. It's improving. The goose lets me see & the grapes help .I watched this lady .She was so busy gardening along the canal bank & it was raining. Crossing the bridge I met her. 'C' now lives out of Castlefield but had a call  asking would she join a working party .She arrived. Nobody else did ! She could have gone home but got stuck in filling many plastic bags with weeds and rubbish .What a worker. Weeds grow come what may but techno boxes as seen in the collage are not meant to be forced open and filled with trash and bottles. This week coming I'm having a glass collecting day .glasses, bottles whatever it should make a blip.The beautiful bee of Manchester means little to those who create such mess. Finally if squeamish don't read on .When going for the bus a gentleman slipped and fell. He was well dressed but had slipped due to vomit .A guy at the bus stop helped him up. Thankfully my bag always carries wet wipes.
The geese and goslings and meeting C made the day . Ah yes and Mr and Mrs Shy plus 4 goslings.

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