The Wren

By TheWren

So, how many does it take?

I popped into town this morning and came across this group wearing fluorescent Balfour Beatty jackets. There were seven of them. They faffed around for ages outside the local bakery, trying to decide where to place two No Parking cones, completely oblivious of the amusement they were giving to folk trying to get into the shop.

The shop was busy and by the time I came out they were still there, but this time they were winding up bunting and removing the cones. They proceeded to walk up the hill to start again - by which time I knew I just had to blip them. I suppose it is Health and Safety gone mad. Replace one ladder and two men with seven men and two cones.

My courgette cake came out quite well and if it hadn't been for the magnificent seven above, it might have made it to the blip page. I continued painting my shed this afternoon and then decided it was time I had a look at the assortment of summer clothes I had thrown into the spare room as they were washed.

Happy thoughts:-
This time next week I will be with my son and daughter-in-law again.
This day next week I will be getting ready to go to a ball at the Bellagio hotel on the Strip!
For three weeks I will be feeling the warmth of the sun every day.

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