Swimming lessons

I met my friend Jo today, we used to sit next to each other at work a million years ago (2004-5ish) and used to have a ball. I have seen her all too infrequently over the past few years but today we went for a dog walk. She has just come out of 5 months of chemo, it was just lovely to see her. Her clever dog taught my stupid one how to fetch balls out of the sea, Rosie is a marvel at chasing balls, utter crap at bringing them back. But today she seemed to get the hang of it - a good hours swimming for her!

The opticians appointment was a bit of a disappointment. The lady decided I should go for the odd lens in each eye instead of the cool ones that let you see far and near all through the same lens. Apparently my brain will soon work it all out.....

She didn't have any of the right ones anyway so I have to wait more days. I bought myself a new pair of sunglasses on the way home in consolation, just like Sandi's from last weekend.

Roses are deadheaded and I'm now sitting in the garden watching Daisy do her homework. I just asked her what she was doing. After she told me I had to check what subject it actually was, so little did I understand of her response. Computer science apparently.

Ohhhhh, and Hannah and I are off to a food festival with added special seafood bits. What joy.

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