Fever pitch

Today saw the end of the successful execution of a 6 month dental plan which means now I have a standard teeth baseline. And today was notable for me not having the drugs which allow the dentist to tinker away without me crying / punching her but then knock me flat for 12 hours. I am giddy with relief and ignoring the fact I could have gone on a really nice holiday with the money I have spent, mainly on the drugs. But I reckon drugs vs holiday is a choice to make, so all good.

Such was my need to celebrate that we had a bbq and wine. Turns out what Will needed to properly regain his appetite was a big plate of varied bbq’d meats. And we did the World Cup sweepstake. Will is rocking the South American (more drugs) theme while Daisy continues the see the negative. She is getting all happy though, 6 exams left and just Physics for this week.

And one of my highest performing but at times most difficult to manage people said it was a pleasure to work with me. Am considering my work is done and I can pack up now.

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