Boy Racers

My boys left at dawn's crack on their annual jaunt to Le Mans 24 hour race. 
I waved them off then went back to bed for a couple of hours.
It's been a busy day of various appointments all over the place but it's been good to be occupied. I've just heard from them and they are there with tent pitched and about to go on a hunt for somewhere to eat.
D and I were looking at all the old videos of Alfie when he first went to Le Mans  aged 5 with D and Ian. I can't believe he's the same little boy who is now too big to fold himself up in the back seat of D's car. He made Sam sit in the back because he's smaller.
I did manage a couple of hours in the garden with my kindle. Still loving the new garden sofa (now christened the Towie Couch, or 'Towch' 'cos it's a little bit Essex).
Choir next so all in all not a bad day.

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