Chartres Cathedral

After 12 hours sleep we had a relaxed breakfast of croissant and coffee - we are in France after all! It didn't take much persuading for Mr C to agree that it would be a good plan to stay another night.

We walked the 2 miles from our camp site along the banks of l'Eure in sunshine to Chartres. What a beautiful and quiet medieval city. The 12th century cathedral is overwhelmingly magnificent. It took 136 years to build. I can't imagine that now people would commit to such lengthy and expensive projects. The proportions inside are impressive - 130.20m long, 16.40m wide, 37.5 m high - you can imagine the flying buttresses needed to keep all that afloat. The stained glass windows are radiant - covering 2,600 sq m - the work of masters in 12 and 13 centuries. The blue was achieved with the expensive cobalt oxide known as Chartres blue. The 15th century sculptures are so intricate. It certainly is one of the most beautiful cathedrals I've ever visited, and as you know, I travel a lot!

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