Egg News

KG was watching the rugby this morning and I decided that I would do my silly Saturday and listen.  This one kind of evolved - ti was just going to be the chicks and the eggs but then I needed a background and then I thought I should have something on the background and so it went on.


Egatha was saying to Egtrude that she was not sure why they were in this egg box.

Egtrude replied it was safer in their but didn't know why.   

Egatha was busy reading the daily eggspress and was taken with the idea of oing to Egoland but didn't have a clue where you bought the best eggs.  Look on the box said Egtrude.  Hmm not very helpful said Egatha.
sadly.    Probably not Teggsco as they are selling cracked eggs.  
Shall we go to the Scrambled Egg event asked Egtrude - no it probably won't be what its cracked up to be said Egatha

Btw Egetha it centre top and Egtrude is centre bottom.

Now enough of my silliness and on to do something sensible.

have a good Saturday all

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