Just Like A Sycamore Seed

I spent a very enjoyable but extremely hot day at North Weald Airfield. Arnie, who I met there a couple of years ago has moved his gyrocopter to a hangar there next to The Squadron. Quite a few of his flying mates are based there too now. He suggested that I should come along today. 

I didn't know that there was an event on, it was the Air-Britain Fly-In so there was a variety of aircraft for me to photograph. Also I was pleased that The Queen's Birthday Fly Past could just be seen in the distance.

There was a bit of drama when a plane in the circuit reported an engine failure. The fire trucks rushed to the scene but fortunately it landed safely. Arnie was able to relay its message to air traffic control as he had been taught to do in his pilot training. My pic shows him coming in for a perfect landing.

For 30DaysWild I compared insects and planes named after them. What luck that a Piper Grasshopper was flying today. :)  

Today's poem is Campionesque for Anna by Kit Wright. https://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~tf/poem30.html

Lucky Anna. :)  

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