Deepest Desires

One of my first sermons when we arrived in Mora last year was about the Shunammite woman (it's in 2 Kings 4) who looked after Elisha, so he wanted to do something for her in gratitude, but she said she had everything she needed. What she didn't have was a son, but she wasn't even hoping for that anymore. Anyway, God gave her what she hadn't even dared ask for. And I said how God loves to give us our heart's true desires, even when we daren't ask for them.

Some months later, Zezinha told me how she'd longed for a son, but felt she couldn't allow herself that desire, she already had two healthy daughters. Long story short, here is Luís, her son, whom they dedicated today.

Everyone looking rather sweaty and disheveled - we were melting, up to 43C today, or more... and lots of thunder.

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