The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Blickling Hall


Yes, I know, another hall! But this one was pretty great too, it seems Norfolk has a lot of them. We had the National Trust charging out the nose for every little thing once again (even a ruddy parking fee this time!)

Before we got there, we managed to find a place for lunch that was really good in a little village called Corpusty (fun name too!). It's one of the only places I've seen that does really good pub food, very friendly too.

As for the hall, almost the entire place was genuine 17th century, and really well preserved. The gardens were good too. They had stuff from the 1900s in there, including accounts given by former servants of the house - it was all very Downton Abbey! The only thing I hate about these places is standing and moving around slowly. It makes me feel like a creaky old man by the end of the day, as my joints protest so much! There was so much to see that we just about made it out by closing time. We're packing up tonight to head back home tomorrow, though we're going to visit one last place as we go.

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