In "The Burgh" again

Today we had a day in Edinburgh.
Neil's Ex Girlfriend is going to be married in September (the Steampunk-Wedding) and asked Neil if he would do the Photographs.
Somehow he managed to get me signed up for it although I actually do not really want to do unpaid weddings ... but it's now what it is.
So we had an appointment with the hotel to do a location recce.
We were introduced as the photographers to the concierge who was showing us around.
It is a nice hotel and a very nice garden too (let's hope for nice weather!)
At some point Neil and I started arguing - he said no photos at the ceremony - and I said What? Of course will I shoot the ceremony - that's what it is all about!
After a bit back and forth the concierge asked quite puzzled: 
Are you from different companies? 
I almost cracked up! So funny :)
That really made my day!
I said - yes we actually are ....  but we live together ... this is more domestic :)
We walked through the hotel and its garden for about an hour before we went to Tigg's and Justin's flat for a lovely late lunch and further wedding planning.
She has a proper time plan and they know exactly what they want ... Makes it easier but also quite a bit of work.
I had the "great" idea to set up a photo booth. This needs to be done now as well.
At least we will not have to bother with people shots after the formal photographs as they can do it themselves :)
Nonetheless it will be a work day and less a party day.
And then it's not over .... all the editing will be needing a lot of my time.
I cannot be sloppy and will edit each image that passes my quality control properly.
Luckily they both understand that the final photos may take a wee while.
We left at about 6 and went for a walk in Edinburgh's Westend.
We wanted a coffee and a Fringe Festival catalogue. It was really warm and sunny.
The coffeeshops were all closed already but in William Street we found a Pub (Teuchters)with out side tables in the sun who did a quite decent coffee AND had Fringe Catalogues. Success!
At 7 ish we walked back to the car and drove home via an Aldi where we bought much more stuff than planned.
Back home we skipped dinner as we were still full from the late lunch.
We both pottered a bit around before we mat on the couch for Versailles.

Photo is the coffee mug at Teuchters and the Fringe catalogue 

If you wonder what a Teuchter is:
A Teuchter/ Teuchtar is a Lowland Scots word originally used to describe a Scottish Highlander, in particular a Gaelic-speaking Highlander. Like most such cultural epithets, it can be seen as offensive, but is often seen as amusing by the speaker. The term is contemptuous, essentially describing someone seen to be uncouth and rural.

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