
I'm quite a sensitive soul.
I love animals more than people! and certainly won't eat them.
I can't watch nature programmes if it involves killing other animals and Im a bit of an old lady when it comes to the birds in my garden.
After spending the morning pressure cleaning the patio, I was sitting enjoying the company of Bob, a resident robin in our garden.
Bob has a wife and I'm pretty sure he has children as he's always  busy gathering insects and ants to take back to the nest just behind our holly tree.
He even posed beautifully for me and allowed me to try different shutter speeds and iso's and he got quite close to where we were sitting.
Then all of a sudden, down came a Sparrow Hawk swooping through the holly tree and Bob was pinned to the ground and murdered. Right in front of me. Like an episode of Planet Earth.
It was horrendous. 
I was utterly distraught.
Then Poor Mrs Bob spent the next few hours calling for her husband. It broke my heart and did actually make me cry!!!!
Infact, I was so distraught, I couldnt even look at the pictures I had taken so my blip is delayed by a day!
What am I like!

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