Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Wollemi pine

A rather expensive treat.  I've always coveted one of these, and so last week I lashed out and ordered one.  It arrived today.  Complete with leaflet of information, and a certificate.  Now we need to find a place to plant it!

The dragonfly nymph was still in the same place at 8 o'clock this morning, but by lunchtime it had completely disappeared.  Not a trace.  If it had emerged from its exoskeleton and become a dragonfly, I would have expected to see the residual exuvia.  W didn't see what happened to it - did it retreat back into the water, or was it spotted by a passing bird and enjoyed as a little snack?

Oh well - one of these days I'll get a chance to watch a dragonfly being born.

It's cooler this evening, thank goodness, and as I write there are rumbles of thunder - I love a good storm, and we've put off watering again on the basis that nature will hopefully do it for us.

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