1000 words a day

By MikeP

Rubbish Day

In Australia sorting your rubbish is easy. If it can be recycled it goes in one bin, if it can't it goes in the other. Pretty simple right?

In Japan we have burnable, unburnable, plastics, bottles and cans and old garments/recycled papers on separate days. I have been here 4 months and am still getting the hang of it.

On the plus side though, the rubbish truck plays a song like the ice cream man so you know he is coming. I was monumentally let down the first time I realised it was not the ice cream man, but the rubbish man.

On a side note; no matter how long I teach English, I will not resort to calling it trash :)

Also, those shadows on the road are above ground power-lines, VERY Japanese.

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