A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Carlos kill or cure programme

So the cold returned with a vengeance today so it's been a bit of a struggle to get to this point. But here we are. In the pub at the end of our road listening to the resident blues' band in the dying throws of Carl's birthday celebrations. I was given the staying home under the duvet option but decided to 'man-up' and here I am. Though not that manly with my glass of rose. But it's starting to kick in and I am optimistic of at least the first set. And hopefully by then our friends who set off from France at stupid o'clock this morning will be with us by then.

Only fully qualified psychics can tell you how the kill or cure plan works out. But we met in a blues bar and it's good to be in a bar listening to blues together.

Lesley x

Ps - this is the bass player (imho always the coolest member of a band) on a grainy zoom iPhone shot.

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