Frog Hopper

With an impressive 70cm vertical jump this froghopper has  a better performance than a flea.  I can hear you gasping in astonishment  :)

The stats are quite incredible: with an acceleration of 4000 m/s squared over 2mm, experiencing 400 gs of acceleration, it can jump 100 times it's own length. Luckily for me today it stayed put as no way were my camera speeds up to that in the wind as it was enough to try and anchor the stem it was sitting on, which in this case is the echinops ritro thistle. It didn't even mind being prodded over to get it's best side!

The nymph is what is inside the cuckoo spit on flower stems (which I am sure you all knew but I was just adding in case) which hides it from predators, plus keeps it insulated from heat and cold.

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