rounded with a sleep

I've just got back from an excellent all-singing, all-dancing production of "The Tempest" by our local high school students at Wallace Hall Academy. Couldn't resist stopping off on the way home to take a photo of these darling donkeys at FRED - Farmersfield rest Home for Elderly Donkeys. Friendly donkeys in a field of buttercups - what's not to like?

As D is away until Monday, I set myself a little challenge, which is to sleep outside for those 4 nights. Complicated somewhat by having Jess. Last night could have gone better...I decided to make it my June bivvy and just sleep in the garden. I left the back door open in case it rained so that Jess could sleep indoors if she wanted. Turns out she's not as mad as me and preferred the comfort of her own bed. I woke up just before 4am in the pouring rain, which had somehow got into my bivvy bag. I spent the rest of the night indoors. Tonight I've put up a tent. Let's see if Jess enjoys camping better than bivvying...:-)

PS this photo was taken at 10.20pm!

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