Mrs Happy

By Riwaka7

Going under

The saltwater baths were overflowing this morning when Blipmate and I went on our weekly outing. I wanted to try out the polarizing lens that I have had for ever but used rarely. Just forgot about it. Lizellen had reminded me when she got hers out last week. Today was the ideal time with us looking into the sun with a glare off the water. I also used my tripod and I definitely get better results. I just don't have steady hands and arms. I use it as a monopod as well- just something to steady the camera with.

I have only had a short time to look at this mornings photos and chose one with cpl lens and one extra without to show the difference.

We had our Historical Assn AGM and it was touch and go whether we managed to get enough people to be on committee. We did get a couple of new people and I am only immediate past president so the pressure comes off. I will still help do  research and attend the rooms as I do enjoy it but the meetings will probably fall by the way side.

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