middle of nowhere

By nipponnay

Fishy on a dishy, with a plateful of flowers

Back to work today :( Got a lot done though, which was good. Stuff I should have done before the holidays really, but it didnt even enter my head to!

My plan was to take a photo of the opening ceremony, but I didn't go to it. Then, I thought I'll just blip my desk, but I couldn't get an interesting photo from that. Then on the way home I caught the cat that's been meowing non-stop for a week now, and took his photo. But then I found these little bad boys in the fish isle of the supermarket, and just had to blip them! You can always find interesting/scary things in the fish isle in Japan! Especially when you live by the sea!!

I also found edible flowers. Here's the proof if you don't believe me... Who on earth would want to eat flowers?? The mind boggles.

Just met the new neighbour. Seems nice, didn't get his name though... he's here for 3 months while working on his ship, then he's off again sailing into the sunset. Now there are 5 bikes in a 4 bike area, which will mean a lot more cursing from me of a morning. I wouldn't mind, but the lady beneath me has 2 kids so she never goes on her bike! Grrr....

... cats at it again...

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