The second half of life..

By twigs

Mixed emotions

As I often do, I stepped outside onto the deck this morning to brush my teeth and take in some fresh, crisp air.  I was met by a super-heavy fog and super-heavy, choking air.  It reminded me of life in the UK many years ago with hundreds of people burning coal fires during the winter.  Not wanting to miss a photo-op I raced to get ready quickly.  As I hopped in the car and started it - dull thud.  Odd.....  I got out to look around the car and was very surprised to see my back windscreen had blown out :(

The air was still choking and visibility was ridiculously short.  I abandonned plans to takes pictures adn instead, headed back indoors to call the insurance company.  No worries - these things happen.  We'll send someone round.  He'll be there within 2 hours.  2 hours??!  I called work and said I'd be late.

An hour later he arrived.  Bad news - they didn't have a rear screen in the store.  They'd have to order one in.  It might take a couple of days.  In the meantime, they can cover the window in plastic - not secure, (so double check with your insurance company to be sure they know) but secure enough for a couple of days.  Car was damp - tape wouldn't stick.  Plastic not really secure.  The man heads away saying it should be ok.  Get ready to go to work.  Phone rings.  The boss of the fixit man.  Mr fixit has had second thoughts - it won't hold - it'll be much better if we take the car to our depot, dry the car off and fix it properly.   I'm at another job now.  I'll come back after I've finished that one.

Whilst I wait, I  read the news.  

The clagginess in the air isn't the fog.  A  house fire just a few hundred metres away as the crow flies has destroyed a house in the early hours of the morning.  There might be 2 people in it.  It's bad.  It's sad.

Another hour passes.  Mr Fixit returns and takes my car down the road to his depot.  It'll just take 10 minutes.  Half an hour later he returns with window plastic securely fastened.

Off to work......exhausted before I even get there.

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