Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The Summer Ball

Somehow it was a busy Saturday filled with chores - Gavin and Luke were at the new house re-hanging doors all day - Gavin did not like the fact that the doors did not have double hinges so that they could fold right back and so he has decided to re-hang all the doors, as you do. The doors are all very large and heavy so it is quite a job. I was at home doing laundry and preparing beds as Thomas was going to a party and friends were coming back to sleep afterwards.

Adam was finally due to come home after the end of term at Cambridge (they finished two weeks ago but they have so many end of year parties and balls that he stayed for those). I was already in the shower getting ready to go out when he arrived home with all his stuff - any parent who has a child at university knows what a double edged sword that is, joy at seeing your child again and despair at the mountain of bags and washing that has to be dealt with and packed away. Within half an hour he was off again to another party, we were on our way to the summer ball at school with Thomas and two friends in the car as we were dropping them off at a party on the way. It seems it was a crazy night for parties in our household!

The summer ball was lovely, fantastically organised by the committee of parents - we had drinks and canapés outside, then in to the marquee for supper, followed by dancing to a rather good band. Gavin and I hardly drank any alcohol as we were driving home again and collecting Thomas and his friends from their party on the way. Someone took this photo of us, my hair is looking rather bedraggled! In extras there is a slow shutter shot of a friend of mine who started the dancing, and someone at the infamous vodka luge. Regarding the vodka luge - if you placed your mouth near the exit pipe, the vodka seemed to splash all over one's face - but that seemed the better alternative than putting your mouth around the exit tube which everyone else had been doing...don't think vodka kills germs?! I obviously did not partake!

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