Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Sunflower, with added bugs

Earlier this year I saw in a supermarket an item probably aimed at children; a circle made from papier mache which you broke into sections a bit like tiny pieces of pizza, each section containing a sunflower seed. The idea was that you broke it into sections and pushed each one into a pot of compost and waited for something to happen. Now I know it would have been cheaper and just as easy to buy a packet of sunflower seeds and plant them but I knew I wouldn't get around to it (especially as I was around 200 miles from home and driving up to Orkney at the time) so on impulse I bought them, potted them up and then later planted them out in the garden. And this is the first result.

I must admit I was a bit disappointed that it didn't end up like a sunflower I planted a few years ago which grew around ten feet tall and with a flower head well over a foot in diameter. But I still rather like it.

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