Gregarious gawker

I'm astonished that this Cottontail, a vewy tame wild wabbit, is so bold, so curious, so tame. Fallen birdseed, old blueberries, well past their prime, tossed under the feeders was worth far more attention than my Nikon and me.

Rabbits are hopping all over.

For the Record, 
This day came in warm and dry.

All hands disappointed with the Supreme Court and 45's gloating over his travel ban success. He really only got part of what he wanted, but that's not his take on the ruling. Refuges( how broad the coverage of this ruling is will have to be studied), people, students, and workers with family connections or sponsors can enter. That is a relief amidst the continued discrimination. I suppose we will hear all about winning tonight. He could lose when the Supreme Court takes this up again in the fall, but he hasn't thought that far ahead. 

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