Hill Top Farm

Today's the day ............................ to be a tourist

It's a well known fact that you never go and look at local attractions until you have visitors that you would like to entertain.

It is several years since I have been to Hill Top Farm - the famous home of Beatrix Potter in the village of Near Sawrey - but that's where we went today with June and Li.  It was as delightful as ever - but oh so busy with many visitors.  Goodness knows what it must be like on a weekend, but today on a Monday which you imagine would be quieter, there was no space in the car park at all.  Will stayed with the car while I took them in.  We had lunch in the Langdale valley and then drove on to Coniston for a quick visit to the Museum.  Many pictures were taken - as you might expect - and we all enjoyed ourselves. 

But I have to say that it does make you wonder how long it will be until cars are banned from the Lake District altogether because there are just too many of them for the narrow roads to cope with .......................?

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