An Tobar

Well - that was a pretty action-packed conference. Who knew there were fascinating wells all over the place- Ireland was of course well represented (!) but so was Iceland, Sweden, Nigeria, Italy and Wales! A diverse variety of subjects were covered - clootie trees, analysis of the water, the human geography of wells, folklore, geology of wells, moving wells - you name it, it was covered. I had a slot today when it was the turn of the explorers to do their presentations - yesterday it had been the academics. I had lots of nice comments afterwards so don't think I disgraced myself.
After all that talk though it was lovely to get out and actually a visit a well. We all trundled off to St Declan's Well in Ardmore - a very active well still, beautifully situated on top of the sea cliff. Here is Himself doing a quick sketch before the coachload arrives (we travelled independently as it was on our way home). The extras show some of the well enthusiasts getting stuck in (the woman in the flowing white young was a devotee of St Bridget from Sweden); one of the many offerings  and St Declan's church and round tower just up the road - astonishing.
The conference ended with a sumptuous afternoon tea in a very posh hotel overlooking the sea!
A long drive home and today we shall be taking it easy.
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