Back from the Dead

This seed raised lily has featured here before - but not last year.  Last year the emerging shoots were nuked by the plague of slugs and snails.  Briefly there was a green stump but that too soon disappeared.  I wondered if all was lost.   It wasn't :-)  This years shoots are stronger than those of two years ago, the blooms more plentiful, a great tumult of flowers.  Proof that miracles can happen.

A day of paperwork, phone calls and internet trawling.  Draining and often frustrating but at the end of the day a lot has been achieved.  A lot.  New car found, test driven and deposit paid.  Four wheels, big enough for two wheelchairs ..... and it's red.  Replacement hire car finally arrived - this one has working headlights.  It's brand new too - scary - never had one so big, powerful, new or valuable.  Do I dare use it?!  Arranged collection of our remaining stuff from the old car which will meet it's maker down in London.  Yeah - a productive day.  Looking forward to a nothing day tomorrow - as if!

Jamie likes the new car - plenty of modern connectivity, a satnav and lots of buttons to play with show me what to do with :-)

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