Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


Sometimes it's really, really hard to pick just one photo as a blip when you catch a particular critter in multiple funny poses.  With help from another person, I chose this one.  I'm not sure if this Gila woodpecker was just falling off, possibly because of the wind, or if she was frightened of her reflection. In either case, I thought it was pretty funny.

I got together with my old DeWA friends this afternoon.  I came away a bit frustrated and pretty disappointed in them.  I had typed up a list of Senator Jeff Flake's offices in D.C., Tucson and Phoenix which included phone and fax numbers.  I even broght fax cover sheets which I would send for them if they were interested in jotting a note to him about the proposed health care bill.  All I asked them to do was write something like, "Please vote against...Thank you."  Not one of them did so nor did they say they would call at least one of his offices.

This kind of thing is one reason I have re-registered as "No Party" affiliation (AZ doesn't recognize the term Independent). When the Democratic party at both the national and state levels get proactive, forward thinking and decides to publicly fight for a defined set of values, I will consider returning.

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