Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

..."I'm agog!"

This is one of our most common backyard birds, the Tufted Titmouse, and it remains a favorite of mine. Titmice are like chickadees - always cheerful, eternally inquisitive. They are usually the first birds (along with the chickadees) to find a new feeder. They are secretive nesters and I didn't see much of them at all during the breeding season - however, now the family of 5 is here all the time. They dart in, grab a seed and flit back to a nearby branch to crack open their prize, held tightly between their feet. I happened to shoot this at a time when the sun was showing yellow through the leaf-cover in the woods - I think it gave this beautiful background tones. In fact, I liked it so much that I photographed several other birds in this same spot.
Female Purple finch
His Royal Redness, looking replendant

I am also happy to report that I had two Hummingbirds here all day! I also had a new visitor - several rose breasted grosbeak came around. I've only ever seen this bird once in our yard, and that was in the spring. Today, there were at least two, a male and female, and they were juveniles. I am guessing that this year's young are migrating through our area right now. They were around all day and I am hoping that they stick around for a few days so that maybe I can get some better pictures. Here is a shot of the plainer female.

I talked to Giselle at the Avian rescue last night - Hope is doing okay, and even attempted to fly yesterday! She is eating well and seems alert, but the injured eye is still infected. Giselle said she's feeling optimistic, but we won't know anything more certain until probably the end of the week. So, keep those fingers crossed and send some good juju Hope's way, okay? I am cheering mightily for this lowly little house finch.

As always, thank you for the nice comments on yesterday's foray into black/white. I like to venture out on the "wild side" from time to time and I appreciate your support when I do!

Stay tuned for more details about the exotic winter avian visitors that I am getting ready to introduce.... And have a great Monday!

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