horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Puppy Therapy

The arm started getting to me a little (as expected) today, so some puppy therapy was great to receive. Carol, two doors down, trains up guide dogs, and Molly (above) is her new charge. Perry, in the extra, is being puppy-sat until tomorrow. It's a good thing for them to be socialised with chickens and cats, and so the visit. Not that Isla was in the mood to be socialised. Lovely to chat though, and try to snap some shots of the pups in between pain.

Also on the plus side, the Tour started today, and great seeing Geraint Thomas get the yellow jersey. Wasn't so nice watching riders going down in wet conditions - just a bit close to home! 

Have taken to watching a few movies while I've been stuck on my own at home, but last night's TV being so poor added to the tally with Mel. I'm not sure why Terminator Genesys was necessary. 

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