The Surfer and the Seagull

Today is my husband’s birthday and as we often do on or around his birthday we went to Cromer in Norfolk in the United Kingdom. Although it is only one hundred miles each way, only the first part of the journey from home is on good roads, the last forty miles is on two-way roads with many speed restrictions on all the small villages that you past. Because of this we always stop for coffee and cake on the way there, before undertaking the last forty miles.
Throughout the day we stopped for coffee and cake as well as lunch. We also met some friends who live in Cromer. The tide was almost as fully in when we arrived; it was very breezy making some good waves for the surfers. Today’s picture was taken before lunch when only a few surfers were on the water. Later there were considerably more people enjoying the water, as well as some having lessons. I took a lot of photographs and chose this one because there was also a bird in the picture, which I had not seen until I downloaded the pictures onto my computer.

Although the weather was breezy when we arrived, as can be seen from one of the extra pictures, the wind dropped a little during the day although the waves were still big enough for the surfers, but as can be seen from the last extra picture the same bush, although taken from a slightly different place, is quite still. As it is his birthday I have also included a picture of my husband.

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