
By SecondSeason

Mono Monday - shadows

We're at the end of Day 5 of helping out with the grandkids.  Daughter #2 is living in the house, and I just go over there every day to help with driving and wherever else I'm needed.  Yesterday the water pump stopped working, so the house is without water.  Not ideal.  The hubster came up with a temporary plan to help with the flushing of the toilets, and then later today another entrepreneurish plan to at least get cold water running through the pipes.  My man is so clever!  

Today I took home 7 loads of laundry and fed everyone lunch and dinner to help out.  It's all good.  We can do this and are happy to, as it gives Daughter #1 and her hubby a much needed break. They hiked the West Coast Trail in 45 hours which typically takes most people 5-7 days to hike.   I am so proud of them!  

So these images of 'shadows' are of our outdoor dinner...barbeque'd burgers.  It was a beautiful day!  The extra is of the hubsters and daughter #2.

Missing are the oldest (16 year old) as she was working, and daughter #2's son.  

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