Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Big day today for the baby of the family. Her first morning at big school. She was so excited and went straight in with Mr Shirley. She had a great time.

Had the vet to Lime this arvo. There are a few indicators that this might not be his ligament again. It's swollen but prob always will be and not as much as you would think given how lame he is now. He has greater flexion than before and apparently less pain when flexing. So maybe the pain is elsewhere. But it's all guess work so we have to get him in to the hospital for nerve blocks and more scans, hopefully next week. I'll find out tomorrow when they can get him in. Could be his coffin joint again (last prob was 6 years ago) I'm kind of hoping it is as that will be easier to treat.

Very annoyed tonight as whilst was in the shower after boot camp, Alfie was going nuts barking downstairs. I thought there was an intruder the way he was going on. Mike was out with the other two dogs as Alf can only have a short walk at the mo. Got downstairs to find our next door neighbour banging on the door. It was about 9pm and both kids were in bed. Alfie was distressed as she had been knocking for so long. When I opened it she asked me if I would mind moving my car so she could park hers. WTF? We live in a terrace, you don't own the road in front of the house!! Whoever gets there first gets to park there! I was fuming. Needless to say I didn't move my car.

Plenty of times I've come home and had to park away from the house or over the road or round the back (v inconvenient if you have shopping) but it wouldn't even occur to me to bang repeatedly on her door and ask her to move her car so I could park mine. Unbelievable!! I think she must have something wrong with her!!

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