Morning View

This was my view when I woke and looked out the bedroom window in my attic. I love this view so much - whatever the weather! I love the group of trees on the brow of the hill and the way they appeared and disappeared in the morning low , misty clouds.
As it was a grey, mizzly day I finally got down to some reading. Finally gave up on the book I had been readiung and skipped to the end! Predictable ending, unlikable characters! My next book which I had started before this one was much better! Shame that I realised I'd read most of it before! I don't usually leave books, once I start one I tend to read it to the exclusion of everything else! But I have not felt able to read for quite a while. I just didn't seem to have the stamina or brain power for it. The awful book didn't help! My Book Of Silence is sitting silently on my table waiting to be picked up again. Maybe now I have started reading again and got back in the flow I will continue to bring its words out of silence! 

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