Why? Why? Why?

I got out of my van at Walleyworld, the Evil Empire, Walmart, and started going to the front door...when something inside the small bush moved. IT WAS A MOTHER DUCK!

I had a short talk with her. "You are in the biggest and busiest parking lot in the city. You are "hiding" in a pile of ornamental grass that is just barely bigger than you. You have no place to get a drink of water, and even when your ducklings are born...you have no water to lead them to. On top of all that...have you ever seen the videos on You-tube about the people who shop at Walmart? Why then? Why would you lay your eggs here? 

She wouldn't give me an answer. She just laid there...protecting her eggs.

In the extras, a 16 square collage of last night's fireworks. (It's going to make a great jigsaw puzzle on my puzzle page.)

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