Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Vegan Rocky Road

by Lazy Day. With Vegan Ice Cream by Booja Booja.

We had planned to go to the Just V show at Olympia today but boycotted it when we found they were sharing exhibition halls with companies selling meat and dairy products. My new religion has made me uncompromising in these matters. I have to say I didn't believe it at first. It's a funny old world ...

Anyway it was very odd day as we went to buy roofing panels for the garage (successfully) then Sainsburys (unsuccessfully as poor TSM was sick and had to come home and lie down). The day just seemed to disappear after that. The Dizzle and I got there in the end and spent a lot of money on the weekly shop. Top Gun came home from mountain biking in Wales. Before you knew it the sun had gone down and TSM was mercifully in much better shape.

I did write a short article on how getting a bit drunk makes you more creative. Don't ask me why. I just do stuff like that sometimes. It is research based, honestly. 

Now sitting here with alcohol free beer (paradoxically) and trying to be creative in a non tipsy way. Beautiful evening, out in the garden with the cats, feeling a bit sleepy and quite contented. Have just ordered sixty quids worth of "meat" products from Vegusto (their paprika steaks are awesome) so maybe the Vegan road isn't so rocky after all ...

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