Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

You cannot be serious!

A fitting retro Wimbledon fortnight phrase for a retro product. 

So I was in my favourite shop (the fantastic Atif's, emporium of all foods, a veritable Tardis of world cuisine) when I came across a corner of the shop I had missed before. Although I suspect it may be new, a special section devoted to Brexit voters who want to live in the past.

Smash was launched in the '60s but got famous in the mid seventies when they launched their series of adverts with aliens taking the piss out of potato peeling humans. Unbelievably 140 million servings of this stuff are still sold every year; that's an awful lot nostalgia for a product that is, frankly, terrible. So they clearly are still serious about it.

For my part I bought jackfruit, chickpeas, coconut milk, pickled turnips - usual vegan fayre. 

We had another stay at home day today. We were going up to South London to see TSM's brother but we were about to have some breakfast when I said "fancy a sausage" and she went a bit pale and nauseous. So we decided it would be better not to sit in a traffic jam on a hot day and have a repeat of yesterday.

She kept saying "I'm sorry" and I kept saying "It's fine, don't worry". Then she told me off and said "you say that but then you do your blip and say what a shit day you've had". So for the record it really was fine and we had a lot of garden time and I made a start on fixing the garage roof; and also felt very happy at doing another kitchen reorganisation (which I do two or three times a year, but this time it was quite a radical one). And we had some really nice food when TSM felt better this evening and I listened to the most amazing 15th Century choral music by Josquin de Pres  when I was chilling in a comfy chair late in the afternoon. And I found time to ring my brother who had been rushed to A&E yesterday after head butting a car park. Oh and The DIzzle had a friend over and we sat drinking a Corona or two and that was very chilled as well. And best of all I got to spend a lot of time with TSM, which is what we both wanted after being parted for much of last weekend and having a busy and stressful week at work.

So it was actually a good day


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