I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Are We Done Yet?

Today was a two outing day. It started off with getting my hair done. After six weeks it was desperation time and nothing perks me up more than walking out of the salon.

I had a rest and then Tony took me to the grocery store. We needed more than the few items picked up to supplement what was left in the house. I put away the groceries, rested and then had a play with the lens I bought while in the hospital.

I am grateful that I didn't spend a lot of money on it. It takes more work than I am willing to put in to get an image. One of the major problems is the manual focus. I really never know for sure if I have achieved good focus until I get it on the computer. So.....I am going to be happy with what I have. (for now) 

Bunker sat patiently at the front door waiting for me to be finished. Of course he has to be featured today for his steadfast loyalty through the recovery and patiently waiting to see what our next adventure might be. We are so lucky to have found him.

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