I Feel Like A Sheep

We went to the Great Yorkshire Show today with our daughter and granddaughter. I have never been before and will probably never go again.

Ninety minutes of queuing traffic for a ten mile drive - followed by a twenty minute walk from the car park. The place was absolutely heaving and we have been shepherded around from pillar to post...and actually not managed to see much at all. Absolutely not my cup of tea....and I hardly even managed to get my camera out - there wasn't room! Even the queues for the food samples were a nightmare and we really did not get to try very much. I did buy a very traditional jar of a hot curry sauce though.

So my blip is really a reflection of how I feel. There is an extra of a flying horse...

On the plus side I have over 20,000 steps and have completed a run of 90 days of over 10,000. Average daily total is over 12,000 and I have walked over 500 miles in that time....

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