Pictorial blethers

By blethers


I was bashing up a hill in the Bishop's Glen behind Dunoon this afternoon, determined to get in a decent walk before the clouds brought in the promised rain, when I had to stop to take proper notice of the ground beside the track. This path was made some ten years ago now, specifically to offer a walk between the tracks created for the planting and harvesting of forestry, and at the time was very much a scar across the boggy hillside with the freshly-planted trees competing with birch seedlings and bracken among the bogs.

Now the trees are growing, but the strip beside the path has produced some wonderful little plants. I have no idea what the yellow spikes of flowers are - they're about 6" tall - but they were so delicate and so pretty among the green and pale pinks of the grasses that I had to stop and photograph them.

And the rain came on while we still had 10 minutes' walking to get us home ...

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