Fishing buddies

Day 4 of Nana and Pop Camp. Last night we gave the grandkids their own fishing poles. They woke up at 7 a.m. ready to go fishing. They were so excited. We were very happy that our first time fishing with them was a success. Moira's first fish was a stingray and then she caught four catfish. Gavin's first fish was a mangrove snapper. His second fish was a 2-foot redfish. Unfortunately on his little fishing line it made it to about 10 feet of the dock before it broke. He was still happy because he caught another mangrove snapper. Not bad for a five and three year olds first fishing experience.
Their fishing experience was not enough to tire them out, so we spent a couple hours in the pool swimming and playing with squirt guns. Finishing up the day with bike riding and scooter riding. Time for bed!!!

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