Baking Buddies

Day Five of Nana and Pop Camp. Spending time with my grandmother and Baking chocolate chip cookies was always a highlight of my summer. So baking was a sure thing for Nana and Pop Camp! Gavin was all decked out in his Spider-Man apron and Moira had a R2D2 apron ready to handle any flying flour. We only had a couple of chocolate chips on the floor with some spilled flour. The warm cookies right out of the oven was worth all the effort.
After our morning of baking, we visited the park at the Narrows. Seeing the owls, Hawks, eagle and feeding the turtles was not enough. We then spent an hour on the playground and had a picnic lunch. Gavin and I took a much needed nap before our daily swim in the pool. Since we need to keep up our energy levels up, we ventured out again to take the kids to the Pirate cove Putter Golf. One last treat of a movie and ice cream before bed. The snuggles, hugs and kisses made it all worthwhile!

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