Flowers in the Arbo

I'd expected to be working today, so I told my parents I would see them Saturday. Then last night a colleague who has been off with an injury came in to work and said he is so bored he wants to try to come back to work before he's officially ready, and Ahmed told him to come in this morning instead of me!

So I have had a day of catching up on some of my much neglected jobs at home. I also took a walk to the local shops instead of delegating the task to - it has to be said - very reluctant "volunteers", and I went into the Arboretum for what feels like the first time in ages to get a Blip.

I was hoping to see some of the council workmen in there to photograph for the Blip Community challenge, but unusually, there were none to be seen. So I took this shot of one of the flower urns, and will do Flower Friday instead!

I do have work tonight, but for once there will hopefully be a full complement of staff,  and it is Payday!

Happy Friday Blippers!!

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