Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Redcurrant jelly..

.. I have pebble-dashed the ceiling, the floor and everything upon and within my immediate vicinity with tiny pink spots.

I said to the nice man in the cook shop, as I bought the kilner jars, it really would have been cheaper to buy redcurrant jelly..
'But not so much fun', he twinkled (as his cash till rang out)!

The other purchase (from the nice man) was bottles. Those will be for the redcurrant liqueur, which is now resting in a dark place for a week, awaiting a dose of sugar.
It should be ready for Christmas, according to the recipe.
I can only hope I am too.

Happy Friday one and all :-)
(The red wine forecast is grim. I'm off my perch, I don't know why. Better tomorrow I'm sure).

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